Pooch?? Pull, Push, Poof!!! Fat be gone!!!
Lipodossolve, "Liquid Lipo", is a minimally invasive form of Mesotherapy that uses injections of medications, vitamins, enzymes, and plant extracts to remove excess fat. The depository solution is a compounded medication called Phosphatydlcholine and Deoxycholate (PCDC) that works by breaking down the cells in the adipose (fat) tissue, thus causing the body to metabolize these cells and excrete it's waste through the body. These cells are permanently dissolved.
PCDC is directly injected into the fat layers. Problem areas that are desired to reduce fat deposits are the usual targets including abdomen, sides (love handles), thighs, back, jowl/neck, arms and more. Lipodissolve is a safe,non-surgical alternative to Liposuction and cosmetic abdomen surgery. The greatest facts are that there is no downtime or extensive recoveries, and the treatment is done in less than 45 minutes!
With any procedure, not all patients achieve the same results, but usually, there is a noticeable improvement after the first treatment. Pricing and number of treatments (most between 2-6 treatments, 3-6 weeks apart) are based on each individual treatment plan, which is discussed at the consultation.